Outdoor PCB for Single Zone Mini Split Systems
Product Code : A2: Outdoor PCB (Single)
Product Condition : New
Units in Stock: 10
Please see the dropdown box above to choose an outdoor model, if you do not see your model listed, please select "Outdoor (Model Not Listed)" and provide us with your model and pictures so we can find a match.
*Please note, if your PCB is cheaper that the default price- we will refund the difference once we confirm the price. Please be sure to provide us with the make and model of the system you have in the additional information box right before selecting your payment method at checkout.
You can also email us before ordering, to make sure we can get it: parts@minisplitwarehouse.com *Image of pcb on this listing is for illustration purposes, your actual PCB will vary.
Outdoor Model*
Please Select *Outdoor (Model Not Listed) (OLMO) Outdoor PCB (OS-09HP115V1S) (OLMO) Outdoor Main PCB (OS-EL09ALP115VO) (OLMO) Outdoor Main PCB (OS12ALP115VGF) (add $10.00 ex. tax) (OLMO) Outdoor Main PCB (OSEL12ALP115VO) (add $10.00 ex. tax) (OLMO) Outdoor PCB (OS18HP230V1D) (add $20.00 ex. tax) (OLMO) Outdoor Main PCB (OS-EL18ALP230VO) (add $40.00 ex. tax) (OLMO) Outdoor Main PCB (OS-18ALP230VGF/O) (add $40.00 ex. tax) (OLMO) Outdoor Main PCB (OS-EL24ALP230VO) (Gree) Outdoor Main PCB (24K Sapphire) (add $30.00 ex. tax) (Chigo) Outdoor Main PCB ( 9K CS) (subtract -($41.00) ex. tax) (Chigo) Outdoor Main PCB (CS-35V1A-H5C) (subtract -($41.00) ex. tax) (Chigo) Outdoor PCB (Z25W-VH5-1BC(F) (Chigo) Outdoor Main PCB (18k CS) for CS-51V2A-E2D (Chigo) Outdoor Main PCB (24K CS) (add $110.00 ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor PCB (CH-NG09MIA115VO) (subtract -($40.00) ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor PCB (CH-NG12MIA115VO) (subtract -($40.00) ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-24MIA230VO) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-09SPH-115VO) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-12SPH-115VO) (subtract -($50.00) ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Fan Drive Board (CH-60LCU/O) (add $59.00 ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-09SPH-230VO) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-12SPH-230VO) (subtract -($70.00) ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-18SPH-230VO) (add $70.00 ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-24SPH-230VO) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-36SPH-230VO) (add $85.00 ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-NY09MIA-115VO) (subtract -($10.00) ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-NY12MIA-115VO) (C&H) Main PCB (CH-NY24MIA-230VO) (add $65.00 ex. tax) (C&H) Main PCB (CH-36VCT-230VO) (add $155.00 ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Fan Drive Board (CH-36-SPH-230VO) (add $89.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ASRCI4H4S12) (subtract -($10.00) ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ABXCI4H4S09); (subtract -($90.00) ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (12K ABSC/ABXC); (add $20.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ABSCI4H4S18); (add $30.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ABXCI4H4S18); (add $30.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ABSCI4H4S24); (add $80.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor IPM[plus]Main PCB (ABXCI4H4S24); (add $40.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ALVCI4H1G09); (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (12K ALVC); (add $20.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor PCB [plus] IPM (ASRC 9/12K); (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ATUCI4H1S09); (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ABZCI4H4S12) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ATUCI4H1S12); (add $20.00 ex. tax) (Air-Con) Outdoor Main PCB (ASRCI4H4S09) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ASRCI4H4S18); (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ASRCI4H4S24); (add $49.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Indoor Main PCB (ABXEM4H4S18) (subtract -($50.00) ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ALMCI4H4R36); (add $57.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor IPM Board (ALMCI4H4R36); (add $159.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor PCB/GRJW841-A3 (A16CI4H4R36) (add $192.00 ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (EXPRO-09-HP-11516) (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (MRCOOLl) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY12HPC115B); (subtract -($20.00) ex. tax) (MR COOL) Outdoor Main PCB (A-12-HP-C-230B) (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY-18-C-HP-230A) (add $10.00 ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (A-12-HP-C115C) (subtract -($90.00) ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (EZPRO-12-HP-C11516) (subtract -($90.00) ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY-12-HP-C-115C25) (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (MR COOL) Outdoor Main PCB (O-ES-12-HP-C-230) (subtract -($60.00) ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (A-18-HP-C-230A); (subtract -($10.00) ex. tax) (MR COOL) Outdoor Main PCB (A-18-HP-C-230B) (subtract -($10.00) ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY-18-HP-C-230AE ); (add $10.00 ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY-18-HP-C-230B); (add $10.00 ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY-24-HP-C-230B) (add $20.00 ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY-36-C-HP-230A); (add $40.00 ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY-24-HP-C-230AE) (add $40.00 ex. tax) (Mr Cool) Outdoor Main PCB (A-09-HP-C-230A) (subtract -($80.00) ex. tax) (MRCOOL) Outdoor Main PCB (A-24-HP-C-230B); (add $20.00 ex. tax) (Premium) Outdoor Main PCB (PIAW9170B) (subtract -($90.00) ex. tax) (Premium) Outdoor Main PCB (PIAW18180B); (subtract -($30.00) ex. tax) (Premium) Outdoor Main PCB (PIAW24180B); (Midea Legacy) Outdoor Main PCB (MCHU-12AVH2); (subtract -($70.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Outdoor Main PCB (MSC36HRDN1MN5W); (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Outdoor Main PCB (MCHSU24AVH2); (subtract -($143.99) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Electric Control Box (MCHSU18PHH2); (add $35.00 ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Main Control Board ( MCHS-36PSH2); (subtract -($160.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) IPM Board ( MCHS-36PSH2) 60 Days; (add $60.00 ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) MCHSU-24PHH2 17222000A64034 (add $50.00 ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Main PCB (MCHS36PSH2) (subtract -($160.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Main PCB (MOD3036HFN1MP0W) (subtract -($160.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Main PCB (MCHSU36CSH2) (subtract -($160.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) IPM board for MCHU-24AVH2; (add $140.00 ex. tax) (CMNA) Outdoor Main PCB (DLCERAH12AAJ); (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (CMNA) Outdoor Main PCB (DLCSRAH12AAJ) (subtract -($90.00) ex. tax) (CMNA) Outdoor Main PCB (DLCSRAH24AAK); (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (CMNA) Outdoor Main PCB (DLCSRBH18AAK); (CMNA) Outdoor PCB (DLCERAA24AAK); (subtract -($70.00) ex. tax) (CMNA) Main PCB (DLCSRAH36AAK) (subtract -($160.00) ex. tax) (CMNA) Outdoor Main PCB (DLCLRAH58AAK); (CMNA) Outdoor IPM Board (DLCLRAH58AAK); (add $223.00 ex. tax) 17122000A13187; (add $70.00 ex. tax) (17122000000544) Outdoor Main PCB; (subtract -($80.00) ex. tax) (Innovair) Outdoor Main PCB (VIN520H2V519(O)); (subtract -($44.00) ex. tax) (Sanyo) Inverter/Power Board (CH2672R); (add $60.00 ex. tax) (Sanyo) Main PCB (CH2672R); (Midea) Fan Drive Board (M5OF-48HFN1-M) (subtract -($110.00) ex. tax) (Midea) Inverter Control Board (M5OF-48HFN1-M) (add $190.00 ex. tax) (Midea) Main PCB (M5OF-48HFN1-M) ETA 45 Days (Pioneer) Outdoor Main PCB (YN024GMFI22RPD) (subtract -($30.00) ex. tax) (IDEAL AIR) Main PCB (700808) (subtract -($160.00) ex. tax) (DuctlessAire) Main PCB ( DA2421-H2-O) (add $40.00 ex. tax) (Carrier) Main PCB (38MHRBC12AA3) (Aura) Electronic Control Box (IPM[plus]Main PCB) (AU-036CO16) (add $181.00 ex. tax) (Aura) IPM BOARD) (AU-036CO16) (add $20.00 ex. tax) (Aura) Main PCB (AU-036CO16) (subtract -($160.00) ex. tax) (DuctlessAire) Main PCB (DA1821-H20) (add $40.00 ex. tax) 17222000A17828 (ETA 30 Days) 17122000021908 : Fan Drive Board (subtract -($30.00) ex. tax) 17222000A64034 : Inverter Control Board (IPM) (add $50.00 ex. tax) (Midea) Electronic Control Box Assembly (PIA122800B) (subtract -($90.00) ex. tax) (Midea) Outdoor Main PCB (MASAG1221HS1GB) (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (Midea) Main Control Board Subassembly (PIA122800B) (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (Pioneer) Main PCB (YN024GMFI19RPD) ETA 30-60 Days (Pioneer) IPM Board (YN024GMFI19RPD) ETA 30-60 Days (Sea Breeze) Outdoor Main PCB (12H421YOMI) (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-N24MIA230VO) (subtract -($30.00) ex. tax) (MR COOL) Outdoor Main PCB (DIY-24-HP-C-230C25) (MR COOL) Outdoor IPM Board (O-ES-24-HP-C-230) Part # 17122000000075 : Main PCB (subtract -($50.00) ex. tax) Part 17222000022428 : Electronic Control Box Subassembly (Main PCB [plus] IPM) (add $160.00 ex. tax) Part# 30138214 : Main Control Board (add $100.00 ex. tax) (Pioneer) Outdoor Main Control Board (YN036GMFI17RPD) ETA 30 Days (subtract -($130.00) ex. tax) (Pioneer) Outdoor Main Control Board (YN024GMFI17RPD) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH-NG18MIA230VO) (subtract -($50.00) ex. tax) (Carrier) Outdoor Main PCB (38MAQB12R-3) (subtract -($30.00) ex. tax) (Carrier) Outdoor Control Box Assembly (38MAQB12R-3) (Pioneer) Electronic control box assembly (YN018GMFI17RPD) (Pioneer) Outdoor power board assembly (YN018GMFI17RPD) (subtract -($20.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Outdoor Main PCB (MCHSU-48CVH2) (subtract -($140.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Outdoor Main PCB (MCHU-48FVH2) (subtract -($140.00) ex. tax) (Midea Legacy) Outdoor Main PCB (MOU-48HFN1M) (subtract -($140.00) ex. tax) (Mirage) C18H241W Part 30148256 (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (GREE) Part 30148256 (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (C&H) Outdoor Main PCB (CH09ACE230VO) (Pioneer) Outdoor Main PCB (YN012GLFI22RPD) (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (ComfortStar) Outdoor Main PCB (CHT12CD-23(O)) (subtract -($100.00) ex. tax) (CMNA) Outdoor Main PCB (DLCLRBH36AAK) (add $75.00 ex. tax) (AirCon) Outdoor Main PCB (ABZCI4H4S09) (add $90.00 ex. tax) (Premium) Outdoor Main PCB (PIAW91700B) (Senville) Outdoor PCB (SENL/12CD/OX) (Innovair) Outdoor Main PCB (WIN24H2V51) (add $20.00 ex. tax) (Garrison) Outdoor Main PCB (3554189) (add $40.00 ex. tax) (Global Industrial) Outdoor Main PCB (292CP568) (add $40.00 ex. tax) (Midea) Outdoor Main PCB (MOD3124HFN1MT0W) (add $40.00 ex. tax) (CMNA) Outdoor AUX Board (DLCLRBH36AAK) (subtract -($150.00) ex. tax) Shipping Options (SOPCB)
None Standard Ground (5-7 Days) USPS Priority (2-3 Days) (add $49.99 ex. tax) Alaska Ground (add $49.99 ex. tax) Overnight (1 Day) (add $149.99 ex. tax)
"Had a great experience, good to deal with"
John Whitehurst - Friday, June 28, 2024
"Product was just as described, staff was helpful and made the sure it was the correct part."
Nathan Weeks - Thursday, November 2, 2023
"The original PCB unit had a blown capacitor, so I did a Google search for replacement parts and found mini split warehouse, I followed their instructions and sent them a photo of the part, and unit label, and they found the part in their warehouse. It was shipped overnight for a good price and I installed it the next day. You cannot ask for better service than that. My thanks to everyone there"
Vincent Bell - Wednesday, May 4, 2022
"I know this was not the exapsrt number but it was almost impossible to find the right one in stock somewhere. My card was damaged by frogs and this pit perfect and got me up an running. Not the DIY mr cool. I had an Olympus model"
Khalil Giawashi - Friday, January 14, 2022
"Circuit board was sent fast and fixed my problem. I just wish that their engineers would develop a cover over the circuit boards that were completely enclosed to keep slugs and stink bugs out or spray their circuit boards with a coating to avoid insects from getting in and shorting out a $404 board. The whole split unit that I originally purchased otherwise is a great unit."
Twin Creek Stables, Randy Erwin - Tuesday, December 21, 2021
"good price!!!"
Dathleen D. Hale - Friday, July 23, 2021
"GOOD piece"
A.K Breese - Monday, May 3, 2021
"I purchased this PCB based on the claims that it is very GOOD."
Adreeck S. Joan - Monday, March 1, 2021
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Choosing the Right Size Mini-Split for Your Home.
This chart can be used to size your indoor or outdoor unit.
Experience superior comfort and energy savings with a ductless mini split system , featuring industry-leading technology. These AHRI-certified units utilize inverter technology and variable speed DC inverter operation mode for optimal efficiency and quiet operation. The Quantum Series Inverter+ boasts exceptional SEER2 performance and energy savings , exceeding standard SEER ratings. Whether you prefer a wall mount, ducted, floor or ceiling-cassette design, these mini split air conditioner units provide zone control for precise heating and cooling in your home.
Key Features:
single or multi-zone capability for customized comfort in multiple areas.
High-efficiency operation with ductless design minimizes energy loss.
Quiet operation ensures a peaceful living environment.
Improved air quality with advanced filtration options.
Flexible installation for various home layouts and architectural styles.
Warranty from the manufacturer.
Experience the difference with a mini split system today.
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