12000 btu DLFSF Console Mini Split Indoor Unit
Product Code: DLFSFBH12XAK
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Brand: Carrier Midea North America
Product Condition: New
Units in Stock: 1

- 2-Way Optional Air Outlet
For up and down air-outlet or up air-outlet. Only on size 12.
- Available in 208/230V
- Up to 22.5 SEER and 12.0 HSPF when paired with DLCSRA/B outdoor unit
- Modes: Cool, Heat, Dry, Fan, Auto
- Auto-restart function
- Size 12 capable of being mounted on floor only
- Sizes 18-24 capable of being mounted on floor or ceiling
- Louver control (fixed or swing)
- Three fan speeds
- Air discharge from top and bottom (size 12 only)
- Follow Me (senses temperature at handheld remote)
- Heating Setback (46° F Heating Mode)
- Quiet indoor operation, as low as 34 dB(A)
- Aluminum Golden Hydrophilic pre-coated fins
Compatible With:
- DLCSR Outdoor Unit Single Zone
- DLCMRA/B Outdoor Unit Multi-Zone
Color: White
Customer Reviews
(write review)Worked awesome in cool mode.
"overall everywhere is comfortable" Sarah Dyck - Friday, March 26, 2021
A friend told me about this company
"A easy buy than most. Trying to find solar units are a pain elsewhere." J. Leeper - Monday, December 28, 2020