Cooper and Hunter

Cooper and Hunter
About Cooper and Hunter

With more than 20 years in ductless air conditioning and ventilation Cooper and Hunter mini split air conditioner systems has grown to be a popular brand of quality HVAC products. Cooper and Hunter follows the same traditions as of some of the leading HVAC manufactures in the industry by offering an array of products and options under its own trademark. Cooper & Hunter brand is exported to more than 30 countries and regions around the globe turning C&H mini split units into a well-known brand.

Cooper & Hunter air conditioners have made a name for themselves in the HVAC industry through strategic partnership and cooperation of other leading HVAC manufactures as well as maintaining the highest level of industrial and cultural standards for their products. Using unique processes like “The Strategy of Perfect Product” and “Global Quality Control” allows Cooper and Hunter heat pumps to meet the quality requirements of the United States, Canada, and the European Union.

Aside from their innovative techniques as a company, Cooper and Hunter ductless air conditioning systems have received the Forbes FAB-50 rating for their brand and products. Their 300+ laboratories have received the status of “World Advanced Level” and “World TOP Level” from professionals in the HVAC equipment industry. Cooper and Hunter ductless air conditioner units also have an environmental certification of OHSAS18000 which guarantees environmental cleanliness and safety. With 7,000 models, 400 series, and 20 categories you can be sure that Cooper and Hunter split air conditioner systems have an elegant, affordable, and reliable product that will make you feel confident about your choice in HVAC equipment.

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