What is
If you are looking for cool, dehumidified air conditioning in the summer, and nice toasty temps in the winter, but are also concerned about the high cost of an air conditioning unit that continues running (and using resources) throughout the year, look no further than minisplit air conditioners and heat pumps! Not only do mini-splits offer a sleek design, they also offer top-of-the line functionality, and more versatility than traditional heating and cooling options; they are also the “green” choice for an environmentally conscious household. There are a variety of attributes and features that make ductless split air conditioners and heat pumps a more energy efficient and eco-friendly option over their ducted and “plug-and-play” counterparts.
The zone-specific thermostat system incorporated into ductless system is far less wasteful than that of traditional central air. A ductless air-conditioner, in its very design, is conservative in that energy is not lost in the process of forcing air all the way down duct work and into the room. Innovative dc inverter and coil technology continue to make split air conditioners and heat pumps more energy efficient. A split air conditioner has the capacity to cool (and with a heat pump, heat) more area per BTU/h (British thermal Units per hour) than that of traditional air conditioning, such as window units. A 1-ton (12,000 BTU) ductless split system equipped with a heat pump can comfortably cool 400 square feet of space or more! Ductless heating and ac also reduces your carbon footprint in that it has a more compact design and provides simple installation. Along with the greater mechanical energy efficiency of the ductless system comes much other energy saving, environmentally friendly features which give you the environmental control where and how you need it as well as help to improve the overall quality of the air in your home. Many designs also include features which contribute to the overall health of your home such as advanced humidity control, mold inhibition, and air filtration. Most ductless split air conditioners and heat pumps also have a convenient washable filter which eliminates the need of purchasing new filters or dealing with the disposal of an old dusty filter. When you look at the SEER ratings of the new ductless units, there is no doubt that they fit comfortably into an environmentally responsible and budget savvy home.
One pitfall of central air units is that they have a thermostat, usually placed somewhere centrally located within the home or office. The central air conditioner, thereby, is actually only measuring and responding to the conditions within a relatively small area of your home or office. So, as long as the area in proximity to the central air thermostat remains warmer, or cooler than that of the rest of the house (which we all know is fairly common) you are WASTING POWER. This is simply not as efficient as a ductless, zone-specific air conditioning system. It is less efficient than a system that responds to the conditions in the area that it is meant to service, as no building provides a homogenized air-environment. (Except, maybe a large gymnasium...but even then,you would have to consider the heat rising, raising the temperatures for those in the higher bleachers.) One pitfall of air conditioning, in general is there will always be areas which remain warmer or cooler than the rest of the space, which a central thermostat cannot detect. Or, in other cases, that area may be where the thermostat detects, which throws the whole system out of whack. You are wasting valuable electricity and money EITHER WAY! Let me explain why.
Ok, let’s say the thermostat is located somewhere between your ground floor and your second floor. As heat rises, the warmer air in summer is always destined to travel into your top floor. The goal of the central air thermostat is to gather information about the conditions of the space it is meant to service, which, in this case, is a generalized reading of your entire home. So, the thermostat for the central air system (unlike the multiple, zone-specific thermostats of a ductless split system) is placed somewhere along the stairway from the lower floor to the top floor. The idea is to split the difference, right? So the thermostats is there, measuring the air temperature between the two spaces. Often, in this type of situation, you may have a compressor that ramps up every time a back draft sends some heat its way. Conversely, on cooler days, your unit may run at very low RPMS, assuming that your home is at a comfortable maintenance temperature and humidity. This may seem like it is conservative, but not really. The poor maintenance on the cool day may only cause them to be working overtime on the next day, when it is warmer, and the buildings cloud of heat and humidity begins to creep its way down the stairs.